DanceSport, a Sport For All!

By Definition

Sport means all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim at improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competition at all levels.”

DanceSport is the activity that combines sport and dance, and that allows the participants to improve physical fitness and mental well-being, to form social relationships and to obtain results in competition at all levels. 

Everybody is capable of moving to music! Dance transgresses the barriers of age, gender and culture. Dance is part of the fabric of every society. As millions of Ugandans move to the rhythms of their choice, they perform one of the most universal sporting gestures too.

The Societal Point of View

The fact that dance is non-verbal communication, an accepted form of expression and social interaction, make it truly unique among activities involving movement of the body. Most people have, at one time or another, moved to music, combining creativity and athleticism to convey their personal message to others.

Dance is widely recognised as a holistic workout, providing for an exercise regime that satisfies the heart as well as the soul. Going much beyond the physical aspects of toning muscles as well as improving agility and cardiovascular fitness, dance offers one of the most multi-faceted sporting experiences. Dance, practised regularly, is able to combat obesity in the adolescents as much as it can reduce solitude among the elderly.

Whether DanceSport is practised to keep active and fit, to train regularly for competence or for competition, or simply to have fun, everyone should have the chance to dance.

Uganda DanceSport Federation through WDSF strives to ensure that the chance to dance is available to everyone, everywhere, anytime.

DanceSport is ...