


16 Complete UDSF DanceSport Judging Course

16 Complete UDSF DanceSport Judging Course

The 16 Certified Judge show their certificates of Completion at the closing ceremony of the UDSF DanceSport Judging Course.

The UDSF DanceSport Judging Course is designed to equip new Adjudicators/Judges with the key skills and knowledge they will need to be able to Judge DanceSport competitions safely and effectively. The course primarily focuses on preparing judges to preside over Breaking, Popping, Afro and Hip Hop DanceSport Championships.

The Judges underwent a four weeks course conducted by Instructors (Serwakulya Edrine, Egulwa Reagan, Ssebuyungo Barnabas, Kizito Anold) and examiner Amutuheire Innocent. The course comprised of both online and physicial learning on the Laws of DanceSport. The budding Judges were taken through oral, theory, written and practical sessions which culminated into exams on the final. 16 candidates successfully completed the 4 weeks course which took place from 4th – 28th July 2022 at Uganda DanceSport Federation offices in Mengo.

Their certification ceremony was honored by the double presence of National Council of Sports Chairman (Ambrose Tashobya) and Uganda Olympic Committee President (Donald Rukare). The two praised the efforts done by UDSF to promote and build structures for DanceSport development nationally.

UOC President (Dr Donald Rukare) and NCS Chairman (Mr Ambrose Tashobwa) awarding the certified judges with their certificate of completion

UDSF is set to roll out more DanceSport Judging courses this time organised at regional level across the entire country with an aim to spread the Judging technical knowledge to grassroot levels.

UBC TV Reporting on UDSF DanceSport Judging Course

“DanceSport, a Sport For All”